Monday, December 22, 2008

Rewarding ourselves

I love this idea on Bible MoneyMatters. They shared how they motivated themselves to save their 6 month expenses by saying at the end they could buy a 50inch plasma TV they wanted badly. I could see that motivating some people.

We had earlier this year nearly put ourselves in more debt by plunking down around 600on a Walmart Credit card for a flat screen TV for our bedroom. However, God was watching out for us and the TV we had picked was not available. This forced us to drive to another Walmart to look at their selections. On the nice drive we talked and realized we were crazy to put this on a card. So in the end we did not purchase the TV. We have never used this credit card and have nothing on it...I think we wish to keep it that way!

When the sales came around the day after Thanksgiving....I will admit we were tempted to use that card for the first time and buy ourselves a TV. But something kept pulling at our hearts not to do it.

I may show this idea to my husband tonight. Perhaps it could be our reward to give ourselves the TV we want in between babystep 2 and 3 in the spring of 2009. Of course, only if we have cash! But it would be a nice pat on the back and perhaps a motivational tool!

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